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Medisan ; 27(5)oct. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528999


Introducción: Las lesiones en la mucosa bucal constituyen un grupo heterogéneo de alteraciones, de cuyo diagnóstico temprano depende el pronóstico y el tratamiento. Objetivo: Caracterizar a pacientes con lesiones en la mucosa bucal según variables clínicas, epidemiológicas e histopatológicas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 23 pacientes con lesiones en la mucosa bucal pertenecientes a los consultorios médicos de la familia del reparto Vista Alegre, quienes fueron asistidos en la consulta de estomatología del Hospital General Docente Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso de Santiago de Cuba desde septiembre del 2021 hasta junio del 2022. Resultados: En la serie predominaron el sexo femenino, el grupo etario de 60 y más años, la estomatitis subprótesis como lesión más frecuente (39,1 %) y los traumatismos crónicos como factores de riesgo (65,2 %); asimismo, en los pacientes remitidos al nivel secundario de atención hubo coincidencia entre los diagnósticos clínico e histopatológico (76,9 % ). Conclusiones: De la valoración clínica, epidemiológica e histopatológica de estas lesiones y de la preparación de los especialistas sobre el tema dependerá el diagnóstico definitivo.

Introduction: Lesions in the oral mucosa constitute a heterogeneous group of disorders which prognosis and treatment depend on the early diagnosis. Objective: To characterize patients with lesions in the oral mucosa according to clinical, epidemiological, histological and pathological variables. Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study of 23 patients with lesions in the oral mucosa was carried out. They belonged to the family doctor offices from Vista Alegre neighborhood and were assisted in the Stomatology Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba from September, 2021 to June, 2022. Results: In the series there was a prevalence of the female sex, the 60 years and over age group, subprosthesis stomatitis as more frequent lesion (39.1%) and chronic traumatisms as risk factors (65.2%); also, in patients referred to the secondary care level there was coincidence between the clinical, histological and pathological diagnoses (76.9%). Conclusions: The final diagnosis will depend on the clinical, epidemiological, histological and pathological valuation of these lesions and on the preparation of the specialists on the topic.

Medisan ; 27(1)feb. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440572


Se describe el caso clínico de un adulto joven de 30 años de edad, con antecedente de buena salud, quien fue asistido en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital Universitario Manuel Ascunce Domenech en Camagüey por presentar aumento de volumen en la región abdominal de dos meses de evolución, concomitante con astenia, anorexia, vómitos y pérdida de peso. En el examen físico resultaron notables el abdomen globuloso (bazo palpable) sin dolor, un hematoma periumbilical y múltiples adenopatías supraclaviculares; en tanto, en los estudios imagenológicos se evidenció la presencia de esplenomegalia. Se realizó esplenectomía con administración de anestesia general endotraqueal y en el estudio histopatológico de la muestra resecada se confirmó el diagnóstico de linfoma primario del bazo.

The case report of a 30-year-old young adult with a history of good health is described, who was assisted at the Surgery Service of Manuel Ascunce Domenech University Hospital in Camagüey due to volume increase in the abdominal region with a course of two months, concomitant with asthenia, anorexia, vomits and weight loss. Physical examination revealed a globular abdomen (palpable spleen) with no pain, a periumbilical hematoma, and multiple supraclavicular adenopathies; meanwhile, in the imaging studies splenomegaly was evidenced. Splenectomy was performed with administration of general endotracheal anesthesia and the histopathological study of the resected sample confirmed the diagnosis of primary spleenic lymphoma.

Multimed (Granma) ; 26(1)feb. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406077


RESUMEN Los poromas ecrinos son tumores anexiales benignos que se originan de la porción intraepidérmica del conducto de la glándula sudorípara, representan aproximadamente el 10 % de todos los tumores de estas glándulas. La variante clásica de poroma se caracteriza por una neoformación de aspecto papular de color piel oeritematosa, con predilección por las palmas y plantas. Presentamos el caso de una paciente femenina de 53 años de edad, con antecedentes de diabetes mellitus tipo I que acude a consulta de dermatología del policlínico de suárea de salud, por presentar lesión en planta del pie izquierdo de 2 años de evolución, asintomática que comenzó como una bolita, notando que aumentaba de tamaño, acude primeramente a la consulta de podología y la envían a nuestra especialidad, donde es evaluada y se diagnóstica clínicamente un poroma ecrino. En el estudio histopatológico fue de gran valor en función de la orientación diagnóstica y se precisó la presencia de esta entidad. El caso presentado contribuye a visibilizar la necesaria revisión del tema teniendo en cuenta que representa un reto diagnóstico, por su gran variedad morfológica y se hacen necesarios los estudios histológicos.

ABSTRACT Eccrine poromas are benign adnexal tumors that originate from the intraepidermal portion of the sweat gland duct, representing approximately 10% of all tumors of these glands. The classic variant of poroma is characterized by a skin-colored or erythematous papular-looking neoformation, with a predilection for the palms and soles. We present the case of a 53-year-old female patient with a history of type I diabetes mellitus who attended the dermatology clinic of the polyclinic in her health area due to a 2-year history of an asymptomatic lesion on the sole of her left foot. It started as a small ball, noticing that it was increasing in size, she first went to the podiatry consultation and was sent to our specialty, where she was evaluated and an eccrine poroma was clinically diagnosed. In the histopathological study it was of great value depending on the diagnostic orientation and the presence of this entity was specified. The case presented contributes to make visible the necessary review of the subject, taking into account that it represents a diagnostic challenge, due to its great morphological variety and histological studies are necessary.

RESUMO Os poromas écrinos são tumores anexiais benignos que se originam da porção intraepidérmica do ducto das glândulas sudoríparas, representando aproximadamente 10% de todos os tumores dessas glândulas. A variante clássica do poroma é caracterizada por uma neoformação papular da cor da pele ou eritematosa, com predileção pelas palmas das mãos e plantas dos pés. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 53 anos, com histórico de diabetes mellitus tipo I, que compareceu ao ambulatório de dermatologia da policlínica de sua área de saúde devido a história de 2 anos de lesão assintomática em planta do pé esquerdo Começou por ser uma bolinha, notando que estava a aumentar de tamanho, foi primeiro à consulta de podologia e foi encaminhada para a nossa especialidade, onde foi avaliada e diagnosticado clinicamente um poroma écrino. No estudo histopatológico foi de grande valia dependendo da orientação diagnóstica e foi especificada a presença desta entidade. O caso apresentado contribui para tornar visível a necessária revisão do assunto, tendo em conta que representa um desafio diagnóstico, devido à sua grande variedade morfológica e são necessários estudos histológicos.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 42(10): 642-648, Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144161


Abstract Objective To evaluate the agreement between the histopathological diagnoses of preoperative endometrial samples and surgical specimens and correlate the agreement between the diagnoses with the impact on surgical management and the survival of patients with endometrial adenocarcinomas. Methods Sixty-two patients treated for endometrial cancer at a university hospital from 2002 to 2011 were retrospectively evaluated. The histopathological findings of preoperative endometrial samples and of surgical specimens were analyzed. The patients were subjected to hysterectomy as well as adjuvant treatment, if necessary, and clinical follow-up, according to the institutional protocol. Lesions were classified as endometrioid tumor (type 1) grades 1, 2, or 3 or non-endometrioid carcinoma (type 2). Results The agreement between the histopathological diagnoses based on preoperative endometrial samples and surgical specimens was fair (Kappa: 0.40; p < 0.001). However, the agreement was very significant for tumor type and grade, in which a higher concordance occurred at a higher grade. The percentage of patients with lymph nodes affected was 19.2%;. Although most patients presenting with disease remission or cure were in the early stages (90.5%;), there were no significant differences between those patients who had a misdiagnosis (11/16; 68.8%;) and those who had a correct diagnosis (25/33; 75.8%;) based on preoperative endometrial sampling (p = 0.605). Conclusion Our findings corroborate the literature and confirm the under staging of preoperative endometrial samples based on histopathological assessment, especially for lower grade endometrial tumors. We suggest that the preoperative diagnosis should be complemented with other methods to better plan the surgical management strategy.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a concordância entre os diagnósticos histopatológicos de amostras endometriais pré-operatórias e cirúrgicas de pacientes com adenocarcinomas endometriais e avaliar o impacto da concordância entre os diagnósticos no planejamento cirúrgico e sobrevida das pacientes. Métodos Dados de 62 pacientes com câncer de endométrio operadas entre 2002 a 2011 em um hospital universitário foram avaliadas retrospectivamente. As pacientes foram submetidas à histerectomia e tratamento adjuvante, se necessário, e acompanhadas clinicamente de acordo com o protocolo institucional. Foram avaliados os resultados das análises histopatológicas das amostras endometriais pré-operatórias e cirúrgicas. As lesões foram classificadas como tumor endometrioide (tipo 1) graus 1, 2 ou 3 ou carcinoma não endometrioide (tipo 2). Resultados De modo geral, houve uma concordância baixa entre os diagnósticos histopatológicos das amostras endometriais pré-operatórias e cirúrgicas (Kappa: 0,40; p < 0,001). Entretanto, uma alta concordância entre os diagnósticos foi observada nos tumores de graus mais elevados. Comprometimento de linfonodos ocorreu em 19,2%; das pacientes e a maioria das que apresentaram remissão ou cura foram diagnosticadas nos estágios iniciais da doença (90,5%;). Não houve diferença significativa na taxa de remissão ou cura entre as pacientes que tiveram concordância (25/33; 75,8%;) ou divergência (11/16; 68,8%;) entre os resultados histopatológicos pré-operatórios e cirúrgicos (p = 0,605). Conclusão Nossos achados corroboram a literatura e confirmam o sub-estadiamento de amostras endometriais pré-operatórias com base na avaliação histopatológica, especialmente para tumores endometriais de baixo grau. Outros métodos complementares são necessários para um diagnóstico pré-operatório mais preciso a fim de melhorar o planejamento cirúrgico.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Adenocarcinoma/pathology , Endometrial Neoplasms/pathology , Pathology, Surgical , Brazil/epidemiology , Survival Analysis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Predictive Value of Tests , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Endometrial Neoplasms/mortality , Preoperative Period , Neoplasm Grading , Hysterectomy , Middle Aged , Neoplasm Staging
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(1): 14-18, jan./mar. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491659


O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever um caso de pólipo inflamatório em ouvido médio de um felino e sua resolução cirúrgica através da avulsão e tração da massa após abordagem lateral. Um felino, fêmea, de 2 anos de idade, foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, apresentando prurido intenso, dor e secreção fétida em região auricular. Pelo exame físico foi possível observar um nódulo em região de ouvido médio esquerdo. Associado a isso, o animal apresentava “headtilt” (inclinação da cabeça para o lado afetado). Foram solicitados exames hematológicos, radiografia de crânio e citologia da massa. O animal foi encaminhado para cirurgia de extirpação da massa. Foi feita uma incisão na pele sob o canal auditivo vertical palpável. A cartilagem foi liberada até o nível da junção entre as cartilagens auricular e anular. Com o auxílio de um fórceps, o pólipo foi agarrado e delicadamente girado até ser completamente extirpado de sua origem. A cartilagem e o subcutâneo foram fechados com material de sutura monofilamentar 4-0 e a pele foi fechada em um padrão de sutura subdérmica usando o mesmo material. A peça foi encaminhada para exame histopatológico, pelo qual confirmou-se a suspeita de pólipo inflamatório, através da observação de epitélio colunar ciliado. Utilizando a técnica cirúrgica TALA (avulsão e tração após abordagem lateral) foi possível obter melhora do quadro clínico do animal referido, rápida recuperação pós-cirúrgica e sem nenhuma complicação decorrente da técnica. Essa técnica, portanto, se mostrou satisfatória, melhorando significativamente a qualidade de vida do animal.

The aim of this study was to describe a case of inflammatory polyp in the middle ear of a cat and its surgical resolution through avulsion and mass traction after lateral approach. A female feline, two year old, was admitted at the Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, presenting intense itching, pain and fetid discharge in the ear region. Physical examination revealed a nodule in the left middle ear region. Associated with this, the animal presented head tilt (inclination of the head to the affected side). Hematological examinations, skull radiography and mass cytology were requested. The animal was referred for polyp removal surgery. A skin incision was made under the palpable vertical ear canal. The cartilage was released to the level of the junction between the auricular and annular cartilages. With the help of a forceps, the polyp was grasped and gently rotated until completely removed from its origin. The cartilage and subcutaneous tissue were closed with 4-0 monofilament suture material and the skin was closed in a subdermal suture pattern using the same material. The piece was referred for histopathological examination, which confirmed the suspicion of inflammatory polyp by observing ciliated columnar epithelium. Using the TALA surgical technique (avulsion and traction after lateral approach) it was possible to obtain improvement of the clinical 3 picture of the referred animal, rapid postoperative recovery and without any complications resulting from the technique. This technique therefore proves satisfying, significantly improving the quality of life of the animal

Animals , Cats , Cats/anatomy & histology , Cats/surgery , Cats/microbiology , Polyps/surgery
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(1): 14-18, jan./mar. 2020. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1379231


O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever um caso de pólipo inflamatório em ouvido médio de um felino e sua resolução cirúrgica através da avulsão e tração da massa após abordagem lateral. Um felino, fêmea, de 2 anos de idade, foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, apresentando prurido intenso, dor e secreção fétida em região auricular. Pelo exame físico foi possível observar um nódulo em região de ouvido médio esquerdo. Associado a isso, o animal apresentava "headtilt" (inclinação da cabeça para o lado afetado). Foram solicitados exames hematológicos, radiografia de crânio e citologia da massa. O animal foi encaminhado para cirurgia de extirpação da massa. Foi feita uma incisão na pele sob o canal auditivo vertical palpável. A cartilagem foi liberada até o nível da junção entre as cartilagens auricular e anular. Com o auxílio de um fórceps, o pólipo foi agarrado e delicadamente girado até ser completamente extirpado de sua origem. A cartilagem e o subcutâneo foram fechados com material de sutura monofilamentar 4-0 e a pele foi fechada em um padrão de sutura subdérmica usando o mesmo material. A peça foi encaminhada para exame histopatológico, pelo qual confirmou-se a suspeita de pólipo inflamatório, através da observação de epitélio colunar ciliado. Utilizando a técnica cirúrgica TALA (avulsão e tração após abordagem lateral) foi possível obter melhora do quadro clínico do animal referido, rápida recuperação pós-cirúrgica e sem nenhuma complicação decorrente da técnica. Essa técnica, portanto, se mostrou satisfatória, melhorando significativamente a qualidade de vida do animal.

The aim of this study was to describe a case of inflammatory polyp in the middle ear of a cat and its surgical resolution through avulsion and mass traction after lateral approach. A female feline, two year old, was admitted at the Hospital Veterinário Professor Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, presenting intense itching, pain and fetid discharge in the ear region. Physical examination revealed a nodule in the left middle ear region. Associated with this, the animal presented head tilt (inclination of the head to the affected side). Hematological examinations, skull radiography and mass cytology were requested. The animal was referred for polyp removal surgery. A skin incision was made under the palpable vertical ear canal. The cartilage was released to the level of the junction between the auricular and annular cartilages. With the help of a forceps, the polyp was grasped and gently rotated until completely removed from its origin. The cartilage and subcutaneous tissue were closed with 4-0 monofilament suture material and the skin was closed in a subdermal suture pattern using the same material. The piece was referred for histopathological examination, which confirmed the suspicion of inflammatory polyp by observing ciliated columnar epithelium. Using the TALA surgical technique (avulsion and traction after lateral approach) it was possible to obtain improvement of the clinical 3 picture of the referred animal, rapid postoperative recovery and without any complications resulting from the technique. This technique therefore proves satisfying, significantly improving the quality of life of the animal.

Animals , Cats , Polyps/veterinary , Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures/veterinary , Cats/surgery , Ear Canal/surgery , Ear, Middle/surgery , Surgery, Veterinary/methods , Traction/veterinary
Cuenca; s.n; Universidad de Cuenca; 2020. 44 p. ilus; tab. CD-ROM.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102644


Antecedentes: la Apendicitis Aguda (A.A) es una urgencia quirúrgica que requiere un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno. Muchas veces puede ser un gran reto para el cirujano por su relación con otras patologías, de allí la importancia de precisar su diagnóstico. Objetivo: validar la precisión diagnóstica del score RIPASA en apendicitis aguda comparándolo con el examen histopatológico. Metodología: se realizó un estudio de validación de pruebas diagnósticas con la información de 300 historias clínicas de pacientes apendicectomizados, atendidos en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso durante el año 2018. Se evaluó mediante el score RIPASA al ingreso y se comparó con los resultados de histopatología como prueba gold standar. Se calculó la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo, además se obtuvo Odds Ratio con su IC al 95% para establecer la validez predictiva de esta escala. Resultados: la media de edad fue de 32 años ± 13,7 (DS), más de la mitad fueron: sexo femenino 52%, área urbana 74.7% y bachillerato 62.7%, predominó la etnia mestiza 99.7%. Hubo una asociación de riesgo entre una alta probabilidad de apendicitis según el score RIPASA con A.A (OR 96,36; IC95%: 16,03­578,68; p= 0,000). El score RIPASA tiene una sensibilidad de 98.97%, especificidad 50.0%, VPP 98.63%, VPN 57,14%, RVP 1.98% Y RVN 0.2%. Conclusiones: RIPASA tiene alta probabilidad para detectar a personas con apendicitis aguda, pero no así a las sanas, por lo cual se requiere continuar con más estudios para establecer tal validez

Background: Acute Appendicitis (A.A) is a surgical emergency that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Many times it can be a great challenge for the surgeon because of its relationship with other pathologies, hence the importance of specifying its diagnosis. Objective: To validate the diagnostic accuracy of the RIPASA score in acute appendicitis by comparing it with the histopathological examination. Methodology: A study of validation of diagnostic tests was carried out with the information of 300 medical records of appendectomized patients, treated at the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital during 2018. It was evaluated by means of the RIPASA score at admission and compared with the histopathology results. as gold standard test. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value were calculated, in addition Odds Ratio was obtained with its 95% CI to establish the predictive validity of this scale. Results: The mean age was 32 years ± 13.7 (SD), more than half were: female 52%, urban area 74.7% and high school 62.7%, mixed race ethnicity predominated 99.7%. There was a risk association between a high probability of appendicitis according to the RIPASA score with A.A (OR 96.36; 95% CI: 16.03­578.68; p = 0.000). The RIPASA score has a sensitivity of 98.97%, specificity 50.0%, PPV 98.63%, NPV 57.14%, RVP 1.8% and RVN 0.2% Conclusions: RIPASA has a high probability of detecting people with acute appendicitis, but not healthy ones, so it is necessary to continue with more studies to find such validity

Pathology/methods , Appendicitis/complications , Appendicitis/diagnosis , Clinical Laboratory Techniques/instrumentation , Pathologists/classification
Hig. aliment ; 33(288/289): 1729-1732, abr.-maio 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482392


Este trabalho objetivou identificar lesões em rins bovinos provenientes de matadouros. A taxa de condenação foi 1,34% (17/1268), onde 50% por cisto urinário, 12,5% tuberculose, 12,5% congestão, 6,25% hipoplasia, 6,25% cálculo renal, 6,25% palidez do órgão e 6,25% uronefrose. No estudo histológico dos rins condenados, todos apresentaram infiltrado mononuclear, sendo 60% em zona cortical, 20% zona medular e 20% zona cortical e medular, com intensidade 40% leve, 30% moderada e 30% intensa. Nos rins não condenados, 31/48 amostras apresentaram infiltração mononuclear onde 51,61% foram classificadas como leve, 45,16% moderada e 3,23% intensa; distribuída em 50% córtex, 25% medula e 25% em córtex e medula. Análises complementares podem contribuir para um diagnóstico mais seguro visando reduzir enfermidades e desperdícios.

Animals , Cattle , Abattoirs , Kidney Diseases/veterinary , Kidney/anatomy & histology , Kidney/injuries , Animal Culling
Enferm. Investig ; 4(1): 66-70, 2019-03-30. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-999153


Introducción: Los tumores malignos de ovario son raros en la edad pediátrica, con una incidencia de 1-2 por cada 1 000 000 habitantes, caracterizados por dolor abdominal y efecto de masa, cuya edad de diagnóstica varia teniendo dos picos de incidencia entre 8 a 9 años de vida y entre los 13 a 17 años. Objetivo: Identificar los puntos critico que influyeron en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de niña con tumor de ovario. Descripción del caso: Referimos el caso de una adolescente de 14 años que ingresa al servicio de pediatría, por presentar dolor abdominal, distención abdominal y vómito. Al ser evaluada se encuentra una gran distención abdominal con una masa dura que abarca especialmente hemi-abdomen derecho. La TAC y ECO revelan masa quística dependiente de ovario derecho que desplaza asas intestinales, además la presencia de derrame pleural bilateral que lleva al diagnóstico de metástasis pulmonar. No se realiza examen histopatológico debido a que la paciente acude a recibir atención médica especializada en estadios avanzados de la enfermedad al proceder de área rural. Conclusiones: Se describe un caso de niña a la que se le realiza diagnóstico de tumor de ovario avanzado y metástasis pulmonar, que no se realiza examen histopatológico por provenir de área rural, recibir tratamientos naturales por periodo prolongado lo que impidieron realizar diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno

Introduction: Malignant ovarian tumors are rare in the pediatric age, with an incidence of 1-2 per 1 000 000 persons. Introduction: Malignant ovarian tumors are rare in the pediatric age, with an incidence of 1-2 per 1 000 000 inhabitants, characterized by abdominal pain and mass effect, whose diagnostic age varies with two peaks of incidence between 8 to 9 years of life and between 13 to 17 years. Objetive: To identify the critical points that influenced the diagnosis and treatment of a girl with an ovarian tumor. Case description: We report the case of a 14-year-old girl who enters the pediatric service, due to abdominal pain, abdominal distention and vomiting. When evaluated, a large abdominal distension is found with a hard mass that especially includes the right hemi-abdomen. CT and ECO reveal cystic mass dependent on the right ovary that displaces intestinal loops, in addition to the presence of bilateral pleural effusion that leads to the diagnosis of pulmonary metastasis. Histopathological examination is not performed because the patient goes to receive specialized medical attention in advanced stages of the disease when coming from rural area. Conclusions: We describe a case of a girl who is diagnosed with advanced ovarian tumor and pulmonary metastasis, who did not undergo histopathological examination due to being from rural areas, receiving natural treatments for a prolonged period, which prevented diagnosis and timely treatment

Humans , Female , Child , Pediatrics , Neoplasm Metastasis , Neoplasms , Neoplasms, Fibroepithelial , Diagnosis
Prensa méd. argent ; 104(10): 500-504, dic 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1046992


La presencia de adenopatías periféricas con rango adenomegálico es un hallazgo clínico frecuente, tanto en los pacientes con serología reactiva como en los no infectados por el VIH. En este estudio retrospectivo se analizaron 132 muestras de biopsias quirúrgicas ganglionares obtenidas de pacientes internados en un hospital de referencia en Enfermedades Infecciosas del GCABA, Argentina, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2011 y diciembre de 2015. La mayoría de los pacientes (100/132, 75,8%) tuvieron serología reactiva para VIH; en este subgrupok de sujetos, la mediana del recuento de linfocitos T CD-4 positivos fue de 141 cél/µL. El diagnóstico histopatológico más frecuente resultó la infiltración ganglionar por neoplasias linfoides primarias (linfomas) o metástasis de carcinomas (41%). Entre las patologías infecciosas predominaron las micobacteriosis, en especial la tuberculosis. Solo en 3 de 132 (2,3%) muestras de biopsias los hallazgos histológicos fueron normales. En conclusión, la biopsia quirúrgica de adenopatías periféricas resulta un método muy valioso y mínimamente invasivo para el diagnóstico de patologías infecciosas y tumorales. Una alta incidencia de enfermedades neoplásicas se detectaron en este estudio realizado en un hospital de Enfermedades Infecciosas.

Peripheral lymphadenopathy is a common clinical condition in both HIV-infected and non-HIV patients and has a wide spectrum of differential diagnoses. In this retrospective study, we carried out a cross-sectional study of peripheral lymph node biopsies performed from January 2011 to December 2015 in a reference hospital of Infectious Diseases in Argentina. We include a 132 patients underwent excisional lymph node biopsies during the time of study. The majority of patients were HIV-seropositive (100/132; 75,8%); the median of CD4 T-cell count was 141 cell/µL. The most common histopathological diagnosis was primitive or secondary neoplasms (54/132; 40,9%). In 51/132 biopsies the diagnosis corresponded to infectious pathologies, especially mycobacterial diseases, including tuberculosis. Only 3 of 132 biopsies (2,3%) included in the evaluation had only with normal findings. Peripheral lymph node biopsy is a simple and useful tool to diagnose opportunistic diseases and neoplasms in HIV and non-HIV infected patients. A high incidence of neoplasm diseases (41%) were obtained in this retrospective study

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Communicable Diseases/diagnosis , Retrospective Studies , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Lymphadenopathy/pathology , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Neoplasms/physiopathology
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 12(4): 376-381, dic. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-975760


ABSTRACT: The use of resin sealants has shown partial infiltration of White-Spot Enamel Lesions in vitro (WSEL). The aim of the present study was to perform a morphological evaluation of natural WSEL when infiltrated using a commercially available sealant (Concise, 3M- ESPE). 20 bicuspids extracted for orthodontic reasons from patients ranging 18 to 30 years old, which had WSEL, were used in this study. The patients agreed to donate their teeth by signing a written consent. Every WSEL was assessed microscopically (Stereo Zeiss Axiscop) and then photographed (ProScope HR microscope). Prior to applying the sealant the lesion was etched using phosphoric acid at 37 % (3M-ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA.) for 30 seconds, washed for 40 seconds and then air-dried. The sealant was marked with rhodamine B (1mg/ml) and was applied according to the manufacturer directions. A specimen of approximately 100 mm was obtained for every WSEL by cutting perpendicularly through the lesion (Isomet 1000, Buehler Co.) and grinding (600 grit). The specimens were evaluated using: clear camp, polarized light, and epifluorescence microscopy. Images were taken of each specimen for every microscopic evaluation using a slide film (Kodak Ektachrome film 400 ASA). The images were digitalized by scanning at 1200 dpi resolution (Epson Filmscan 200) and then saved as JPEG and TIFF files. The sealant infiltration into The WSEL was assessed by means of analysis, processing and digital superimposing using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Matrox Inspector 1.07. It was concluded that the sealant infiltrated the whole body zone of the lesion. The depth of penetration of sealants into White Spot Enamel Lesion plays an important role in the control of caries lesion progression.

RESUMEN: El uso de sellantes de resina ha demostrado lograr la infiltración parcial de lesiones de mancha blanca en esmalte in vitro (LMBE). El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una evaluación morfológica de la infiltración a LMBE naturales utilizando un sellante disponible comercialmente (Concise, 3M-ESPE). Se utilizaron en este estudio, 30 bicúspides extraídos por razones de ortodoncia en pacientes que tenían entre 18 a 30 años de edad, y presentaban LMBE. Los pacientes aceptaron donar sus dientes firmando un consentimiento informado. Cada LMBE se evaluó microscópicamente (Stereo Zeiss Axiscop) y luego se fotografió (microscopio ProScope HR). Antes de aplicar el sellante, la lesión se grabó usando ácido fosfórico al 37 % (3M-ESPE, St Paul, MN, EE. UU.) durante 20 segundos, luego se lavó durante 40 segundos y finalmente se secó con aire de jeringa triple. El sellante se marcó con rodamina B (1 mg / ml) y se aplicó siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante. Se obtuvo una muestra de aproximadamente 100 mm para cada LMBE cortando perpendicularmente a través de la lesión (Isomet 1000, Buehler Co.) y trituración (grano 600). Las muestras se evaluaron usando: campo claro, luz polarizada y microscopía de epifluorescencia. Se tomaron imágenes de cada espécimen para la evaluación microscópica usando una película deslizante (Kodak Ektachrome film 400 ASA). Las imágenes se digitalizaron escaneando a una resolución de 1200 ppp (Epson Filmscan 200) y luego se guardaron como archivos JPEG y TIFF. La infiltración del sellante en las LMBE se evaluaron mediante análisis, procesamiento y superposición digital utilizando Adobe Photoshop 7.0 y Matrox Inspector 1.07. Se concluyó que el sellante infiltró toda la zona del cuerpo de la lesión. La capacidad de penetración en profundidad de los sellantes en Lesiones de Mancha Blanca del Esmalte desempeñan un rol importante en el control de la progresión de las lesiones de caries.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Pit and Fissure Sealants/therapeutic use , Resins, Synthetic , Dental Caries/therapy , Chile , Dental Caries/pathology , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Informed Consent , Microscopy
Mastology (Impr.) ; 28(4): 219-224, out.-dez.2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-967956


Introduction: Breast cancer is the neoplasm that most affects women in Brazil and the world, and its incidence has increased steadily over the last decade. Due to screening mammography programs, according to age group, the mortality rate of breast cancer has decreased by 31%. With the increase in the number of screening examinations, there has also been increase in the number of suspicious lesions diagnosed and, consequently, increase in the indication and performance of breast biopsies. With the help of the categorizations that the American College of Radiology published, according to the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS®), it was possible to standardize the reports and descriptions of breast lesions, both in mammography and ultrasound, facilitating decision-making in regard to suspicious lesions. Objective: To evaluate the positive predictive value (PPV) of nonpalpable breast lesions biopsied in the Radiodiagnostic Service of Hospital Naval Marcílio Dias. Method: A retrospective and analytical study of 88 patients submitted to stereotaxic guided mammary biopsies from December 2015 to December 2016 with suspected diagnosis of malignant lesions, classified by mammographic BI-RADS in categories 4 and 5 and later correlation with the histopathological reports. Results: PPV was high for category 5 lesions, and for category 4 lesions PPV was low and progressively increased with the subcategories. Conclusion: BI­RADS categorization is an effective predictor for the risk of malignancy in suspicious mammographic lesions.

Introdução: O câncer de mama é a neoplasia que mais acomete mulheres no Brasil e no mundo e sua incidência vem aumentando progressivamente ao longo dessa última década. Devido aos programas de rastreamento mamográfico, de acordo com a faixa etária, a taxa de mortalidade por câncer de mama diminuiu em 31%. Com o aumento do número de exames de rastreamento houve aumento, também, da quantidade de lesões suspeitas diagnosticadas e, consequentemente, um aumento na indicação e realização de biópsias mamárias. Com o auxílio das categorizações que o American College of Radiology publicou, segundo o Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS®), foi possível padronizar os laudos e as descrições das lesões mamárias, tanto na mamografia quanto na ultrassonografia, facilitando a tomada de decisão perante a lesões de aspecto suspeito. Objetivo: Avaliar o valor preditivo positivo (VPP) das lesões mamárias não palpáveis nas quais foi realizada biópsia no Serviço de Radiodiagnóstico do Hospital Naval Marcílio Dias. Método: Estudo retrospectivo e analítico de 88 pacientes submetidas a biópsias mamárias guiadas por estereotaxia no período de dezembro de 2015 a dezembro de 2016 com diagnóstico suspeito de lesões malignas, classificadas no BI-RADS® mamográfico em categorias 4 e 5, com posterior correlação com os laudos histopatológicos. Resultados: Foi encontrado alto valor preditivo positivo na categoria cinco e, nas lesões classificadas como categoria quatro, o VPP foi menor, aumentando progressivamente com as subcategorias. Conclusão: A categorização BI-RADS® é um preditor eficaz para o risco de malignidade nas lesões suspeitas na mamografia.

INSPILIP ; 2(1): 1-16, ene.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-987255


El edema pulmonar no cardiogénico es una entidad fisiopatológica caracterizada por una lesión generalizada de los capilares pulmonares que provoca un aumento de su permeabilidad a los líquidos, proteínas y otros elementos formes de la sangre, ocasionando un constante flujo de líquidos desde la circulación pulmonar hacia el espacio intersticial y los alvéolos, resultando el edema pulmonar no cardiogénico. El objetivo de este estudio es considerar la incidencia de esta entidad en los casos de muertes súbitas, por medio del estudio histopatológico y caracterizar los factores predisponentes relacionados a esta patología. Todas las muestras fueron sometidas a procedimientos técnicos para estudio histopatológico para confirmar o descartar el diagnóstico macroscópico emitido en la necropsia. Para este estudio se analizaron 518 informes de estudio histopatológico correspondientes a los años 2013, 2014, 2015 y 2016, las cuales 119 correspondieron a edema pulmonar no cardiogénico, siendo el 22,97 % de estos 119 informes de estudio histopatológico se analizaron e interpretaron de acuerdo con los factores predisponentes teniendo como hallazgo importante 39,49 % al síndrome metabólico; 21,84 % a la intoxicación alcohólica; 14,28 % a la intoxicación medicamentosa, entre otros. De esto concluimos que es importante realizar el estudio histopatológico a los casos de muerte súbita sin diagnóstico, puesto que algunas pueden ser encasilladas en un síndrome metabólico o intoxicaciones que ameritan investigación para determinar la causa de muerte.

Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema is a pathophysiological entity characterized by a generalized lesion of the pulmonary capillaries that causes an increase of its permeability to the fluids, proteins and other form elements of the blood, causing a constant flow of liquids from the pulmonary circulation towards the interstitial space and alveoli, resulting in non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema. The aim of this study is to consider the incidence of this entity in cases of sudden deaths, through the histopathological study and to characterize the predisposing factors related to this pathology. All samples were subjected to technical procedures for histopathological study to confirm or rule out the macroscopic diagnosis emitted at necropsy. For this study, 518 histopathological reports corresponding to the years 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 were analyzed, of which 119 corresponded to non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, with 22.97% of these 119 histopathological reports being analyzed and interpreted according to to the predisposing factors having as important finding 39.49% to the metabolic syndrome; 21.84% to alcoholic intoxication; 14.28% to drug intoxication among others. From this we conclude that it is important to carry out the histopathological study to cases of sudden death without diagnosis since some may be pigeonholed in a metabolic syndrome or poisonings that warrant investigation to determine the cause of death.

Humans , Pulmonary Edema/pathology , Blood , Body Fluid Compartments , Proteins , Pulmonary Alveoli , Biopsy , Metabolic Syndrome
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 33(4): 990-995, july/aug. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-966260


We analyzed serum urea and creatinine levels and the renal histology of dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis, and conducted a urinalysis to evaluate their renal damage. Urine, blood, and kidney samples were obtained from 43 dogs. The dogs were divided into 3 groups according to their clinical presentation: asymptomatic (n= 9), oligosymptomatic (n= 17), and symptomatic (n=17). We detected increased creatinine and urea levels in 7/43 and 8/43 of the dogs, respectively. In the urinalysis, nephritis was found in 22/43 seropositive dogs. Histopathologic alterations included tubulointerstitial alterations (39/43) and glomerulonephritis (25/43). Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (11/43) was the most common glomerular alteration, followed bymembranous glomerulonephritis (6/43), proliferative glomerulonephritis (7/43), and glomerular sclerosis (1/43). Our data indicate that alterations in the urinalysis and renal histopathology in dogs with leishmaniasis can appear before increases in serum urea and creatinine levels can be detected, even when clinical symptoms of the disease are absent. A diagnosis of leishmaniasis should be considered in dogs with renal damage, and renal function should be evaluated in dogs with leishmaniasis.

Objetivou-se avaliar a função renal de cães sororreagentes para leishmaniose visceral, através da dosagem séricas de ureia e creatinina urinálise e alterações histopatológicas do tecido renal, associando com as alterações clínicas. Foram utilizados 43 cães positivos, divididos em assintomáticos (9/43), oligossintomáticos(17/43) e sintomáticos (17/43). Verificou-se creatina aumentada em 1/9 dos assintomáticos; 1/17 dos oligossintomáticos e 1/17 sintomáticos. 4/17 dos oligossintomáticos e 4/17 dos sintomáticos tiveram valores de ureia aumentados. Constatou-se na urinálise nefrite em 22/43 cães soropositivos, destes 6/22 eram assintomáticos, 8/22 oligossintomáticos e 8/22 sintomáticos. Na avaliação histopatológica verificaram-se alterações tubulointersticiais e glomerulares. A glomerulonefrite membranoproliferativa foi o tipo mais frequente e ocorreu em 11/43 cães sendo que 5/11 eram sintomáticos, 4/11oligossintomáticos e 2/11 eram assintomáticos. Glomerulonefrite membranosa foi observada em 6/43 animais e destes 3/6 eram oligossintomáticos e 3/6 sintomáticos. A glomerulonefrite proliferativa foi observada em 7/43 cães sendo que 3/7 cães eram oligossintomáticos, 2/7 era sintomático e 2/7 eram assintomáticos. A esclerose glomerular foi em 1/43 animal sintomático. A leishmaniose visceral canina pode causar lesões glomerulares e tubulares do tecido renais levando a alterações urinárias e dos valores séricos ureia e creatinina. Cães com leishmaniose podem apresentar lesões renais mesmo sem sinais clínicos da doença.

Dogs , Glomerulonephritis , Kidney , Leishmaniasis, Visceral , Nephritis
Cir. parag ; 41(1): 1-13, abr. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-972598


Objetivo: Determinar las características clínico-quirúrgicas e histológicas de un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de colon, y causas de morbi-mortalidad. Material: estudio observacional descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal de 40 pacientes con diagnostico histológico de cáncer de colon, de ambos sexos, ingresados en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital Central de IPS, de enero a julio del año de 2016.Resultados:52,5% correspondió al género masculino, con un promedio de 60 años. Los motivos de consulta más frecuentes fueron 33% dolor abdominal, 15% rectorragía, 10% obstrucción intestinal. El asiento más común para estos fueron el colon sigmoides 50%, ciego 20%, ascendente 15%, transverso 7,5%, esplénico 5%, descendente 2,5%. Fueron operados de manera electiva 90% de los pacientes. El tipo histopatológico más común fue el adenocarcinoma 95%. La vía de absceso más utilizada fue la convencional en 90% y laparoscópica 10%. Las complicaciones observadas fueron la dehiscencia de la anastomosis 15% e infección del sitio quirúrgico 25%. No hubo diferencia entre la sutura mecánica y manual en cuanto a la dehiscencia. El hígado fue el sitio más frecuente de asiento de las metástasis. La estancia hospitalaria media fue de 16 días. Pacientes mayores a 60 años reportan mayor estancia hospitalaria. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue baja y en la mayoría de los casos tribuida al acto quirúrgico. Influyendo también el estado previo del paciente.

Objective: To determine the clinical-surgical and histological characteristics of a group of patients diagnosed with colon cancer, and causes of morbidity and mortality of them. Material: a study descriptive, retrospective, of transverse cut about 40 patients with histological diagnosis of colon cancer, over 16 years, of both sexes admitted to the Department of Surgery of the Central Hospital of IPS, since January to July of 2016. Results: 52.5% were male, the most number of cases in the age range between 60-70 years, with predominance an average of 60 years. The most frequent reasons for medical consultation were 33% abdominal pain, bleeding by anus 15%, 10% intestinal obstruction. The most common seat for the tumor was the sigmoid colon were 50%, 20% cecun, ascending colon 15%, transverse 7.5%, colon spleen 5% descending colon 2.5%. They were operated elective so 90% of patients. The most common histological type was adenocarcinoma 95%. The way most comon used was abscess more conventional laparoscopic 90%. The observed complications were anastomotic leakage in 15% and surgical site infection by 25%. There was no difference between mechanical and manual suture regarding dehiscence. 62% the liver was the most frequent site of metastases seat. The average hospital stay was 16 days. Observed shorter stay in males. Shorter stay in patients undergoing elective surgery. patients over 60 years reported longer hospital stay. The hospital mortality was low and in most cases was inherent in the surgery, also influencing the previous state of the patient.

Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Colonic Neoplasms/complications , Colonic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 84: 1-7, 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1462438


In order to know the situation of ovine tuberculosis in Maranhão, Brazil, we evaluated 343 sheep in the southwest region of the state, of both sexes (247 females and 96 males), aged over six months, through the comparative cervical test (TCC), with tuberculin inoculation in the right cervical region. Cranially, avian purified protein derivate (PPD) was injected; and caudally, beef PPD was injected, in individual doses of 0.1 mL. All animals were negative for tuberculosis; however, 65 sheep had higher reactions to bovine tuberculin than to the avian one. To investigate the possibility of low awareness or anergy in animals with advanced tuberculosis, one cachectic sheep was necropsied, aged four years, with negative results for TCC, but with reaction to avian tuberculin and enlarged hardened lymph nodes. The results indicated C. pseudotuberculosis, Actinomyces pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium sp infections. Culture and isolation resulted in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus sp. No bacterial structures compatible with acid-fast bacteria were found. The results confirmed the absence of animals reactive to M. bovis, assuming no tuberculosis in sheep in the study area.

Objetivando conhecer a situação da tuberculose ovina no Maranhão, avaliaram-se 343 ovinos da região sudoeste do estado, 247 fêmeas e 96 machos, com idade acima de 6 meses, por meio do teste cervical comparativo (TCC), com inoculação de tuberculinas na região cervical direita. Cranialmente, injetou-se derivado proteico purificado (PPD) aviário; e caudalmente, PPD bovino, em doses individuais de 0,1 mL. Todos os animais apresentaram resultado negativo para tuberculose, entretanto, 65 ovinos apresentaram reação à tuberculina bovina superior à aviária. Para investigar a possibilidade de baixa sensibilização ou anergia em animais com tuberculose avançada, foi necropsiado um ovino caquético, idade acima de quatro anos, com resultado negativo ao TCC, porém, com reação à tuberculina aviária e linfonodos aumentados com consistência endurecida. Os resultados indicaram infecções por C. pseudotuberculosis, Actinomyces pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus e Mycobacterium sp. A cultura e o isolamento resultaram em Pseudomonas aeruginosas e Bacillus sp. Não foram visualizadas estruturas bacterianas compatíveis com bacilo álcool ácido resistente (BAAR). Os resultados confirmam ausência de animais reagentes ao M. bovis, pressupondo inexistência da tuberculose em ovinos na região estudada.

Animals , Cattle , Diagnosis , Sheep , Tuberculosis , Disease Transmission, Infectious
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 84: e0282015, 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-887844


Objetivando conhecer a situação da tuberculose ovina no Maranhão, avaliaram-se 343 ovinos da região sudoeste do estado, 247 fêmeas e 96 machos, com idade acima de 6 meses, por meio do teste cervical comparativo (TCC), com inoculação de tuberculinas na região cervical direita. Cranialmente, injetou-se derivado proteico purificado (PPD) aviário; e caudalmente, PPD bovino, em doses individuais de 0,1 mL. Todos os animais apresentaram resultado negativo para tuberculose, entretanto, 65 ovinos apresentaram reação à tuberculina bovina superior à aviária. Para investigar a possibilidade de baixa sensibilização ou anergia em animais com tuberculose avançada, foi necropsiado um ovino caquético, idade acima de quatro anos, com resultado negativo ao TCC, porém, com reação à tuberculina aviária e linfonodos aumentados com consistência endurecida. Os resultados indicaram infecções por C. pseudotuberculosis, Actinomyces pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus e Mycobacterium sp. A cultura e o isolamento resultaram em Pseudomonas aeruginosas e Bacillus sp. Não foram visualizadas estruturas bacterianas compatíveis com bacilo álcool ácido resistente (BAAR). Os resultados confirmam ausência de animais reagentes ao M. bovis, pressupondo inexistência da tuberculose em ovinos na região estudada.(AU)

In order to know the situation of ovine tuberculosis in Maranhão, Brazil, we evaluated 343 sheep in the southwest region of the state, of both sexes (247 females and 96 males), aged over six months, through the comparative cervical test (TCC), with tuberculin inoculation in the right cervical region. Cranially, avian purified protein derivate (PPD) was injected; and caudally, beef PPD was injected, in individual doses of 0.1 mL. All animals were negative for tuberculosis; however, 65 sheep had higher reactions to bovine tuberculin than to the avian one. To investigate the possibility of low awareness or anergy in animals with advanced tuberculosis, one cachectic sheep was necropsied, aged four years, with negative results for TCC, but with reaction to avian tuberculin and enlarged hardened lymph nodes. The results indicated C. pseudotuberculosis, Actinomyces pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium sp infections. Culture and isolation resulted in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus sp. No bacterial structures compatible with acid-fast bacteria were found. The results confirmed the absence of animals reactive to M. bovis, assuming no tuberculosis in sheep in the study area.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Tuberculosis , Sheep , Diagnosis , Disease Transmission, Infectious
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 42(4): 530-536, sep.-dic. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-845038


El tumor de Brenner es derivado de la superficie del ovario, que guarda similitud con epitelio transicional de la vejiga. Es un tumor raro debido a que representa 1,5 por ciento de las neoplasias de ovario. El objetivo del trabajo es presentar el caso de una paciente con tumor de Brenner fronterizo confirmado histopatológicamente y realizar una revisión de la literatura respecto al diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico de la entidad y compararla con otras entidades. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 88 años, a quien se la practicó laparotomía por sospecha de un quiste complejo; se describe la historia clínica y su diagnóstico, y se realiza una revisión de la literatura con énfasis en el diagnóstico. Se realizó una búsqueda de literatura utilizando las bases de datos Medline, vía PubMed, OMIM y SciELO, con los términos tumor de Brenner y tumor de Brenner fronterizo en español e inglés sin límite por año de publicación. Se encontraron 10 artículos, que corresponden a reportes de casos y revisión de la literatura, los cuales describen las características en cuanto a presentación clínica, diagnóstico clínico basándose en estudios de histopatología, y aspectos genéticos de la entidad. El tumor de Brenner fronterizo es infrecuente en México debe tenerse en cuenta como diagnóstico diferencial de tumores de ovario(AU)

Brenner tumor derives from the ovary surface and is similar to the transitional epithelium of the bladder. It is a rare tumor representing just 1.5 percent of ovary neoplasies. The objective of this paper was to present a patient with histologically-confirmed borderline Brenner tumor and to make a literature review on the clinical and histopathological diagnosis of this disease and compare it with others. Here is a 88 years-old women who was performed laparatomy because of suspected complex cyst; her medical history and diagnosis was described and a literature review with emphasis on diagnosing process. A literature search was made by using Medline,OMIM y SciELO and terms Brenner tumor¨ and ¨bordeline Brenner tumor in Spanish and English regardless of year of publication. Ten articles were found about case reports and literature review; they describe the characteristics of clinical presentation, clinical diagnosis based on histopathological studies and general aspects of the disease. Borderline Brenner tumor is infrequent in Mexico and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of ovary tumors(AU)

Humans , Female , Aged , Brenner Tumor/surgery , Brenner Tumor/diagnostic imaging , Brenner Tumor/pathology , Ovariectomy/methods
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 68(5): 1112-1116, set.-out. 2016. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-827907


Felino de 3,3kg, fêmea, oito anos de idade, castrada, sem definição racial, foi atendida no Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo (HOVET-USP), com histórico de dispneia, prostração, hiporexia e consequente emagrecimento progressivo, havia uma semana. Foram realizados exames de sangue: hemograma com contagem de plaquetas, função renal, função hepática e dosagens séricas de sódio e potássio, eletrocardiograma (ECG), radiografia torácica, ecoDopplercardiograma, e os resultados dos exames indicaram diagnóstico presuntivo de cardiomiopatia arritmogênica do ventrículo direito. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela necropsia e pela constatação da presença de tecido fibroadiposo no miocárdio no exame histopatológico, possibilitando, assim, o relato do primeiro caso de cardiomiopatia arritmogênica do ventrículo direito, em gato, no Brasil.(AU)

A female 3.3kg feline, eight years-old, spayed, without racial definition, was submitted to the Veterinary Hospital of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, São Paulo University (HOVET-USP) with dyspnea, prostration, hyporexia, and consequent progressive weight loss a week ago. Blood count with platelet count, renal and hepatic profiles, and serum sodium and potassium, chest radiography, electrocardiogram (ECG), and echocardiography were performed and diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy was assumed. The diagnosis was confirmed by necropsy findings and by the presence of fibro-fatty tissue infiltration observed in histopathology, thus featuring the first report of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in a cat in Brazil.(AU)

Animals , Cats , Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/pathology , Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/veterinary , Dyspnea/veterinary , Myocardium/pathology